Wednesday, December 24, 2008

When you miss your loved ones...

This is my cute pie Gokul

Happy Christmas......

Today was Christmas...... a very special day....

So haappy Christmas to everyone......

I couldnt go to church.......

Because of the rain, I was stuck at home...

I gave SMS wishes to all special friends .....

Sort of boring.....

At 11.30 pm, i got up n went to Interchange....

I was so bored, so i decided to watch Shah Rukh Khan's RNBDJ (Rab ne Bana di Jodi)

but unfortunately the movie was gone already,.. so i returned home disappointed...

then went to Mc D with Sunil n ate a Sunday Strawberry ice cream..........

Well there are some other good things also that i did ...

today morning

As it was raining i was alone at room and so i did a little work out

I took 100 push ups... n 25 crunches....

that was a good feeling.....

from evening onwards it was quite boring for me...

called home ... wished Xmas..... n thats all for today..

the above pic.... i drew the beautiful lady..... the two pics are slightly different..

check out the differences.....

Click on the picture to get a clear view..... there are six


this is Avinash .. Looks like he is selling phone in a fish market....! :)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

waiting for christmas...

Today had work at kfc..... yesterday i slept at 5 am... went to prime with Sunil n bought Ice cream n grapes...

funny combination right......?

but it was awsome............

today woke up at 3 pm..........

when i went to work;... i heard there were some quarrells among some of the staffs........ i dont know what happened exactly......

anyway it was an OK day for me........

Jilu, Rongping n Sitti was there for help//.........

i started an account in Friendster

Some of my friends are there.;;; its cool .. i need to add some of my photos...

Nothing special to write.......

have a lot of things to share..........but nothing is coming to mind right now...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Moon MOOn..

Finally India has send its first satellite Chandrayaan-1 to the moon ….
it is not just a satellite send to moon….
This is going to change India’s image among the developing countries of the world….
This mission is a historic moment for India….
Besides that, this mission is also a mile stone for science and technology,,…
Chandrayaan is going to moon to make a complete study about the moon… it wont be landing on the moon’s surface…..
it takes pictures of the moon’s surface from different angles and does research like chemical mapping , mineral mapping….etc…
Besides that no other satellite has studied about the polar regions of the moon…
chandrayaan will be doing it…So that we can know whether if there is any sign of water vapour on the polar regions…..
It will spend time on the moon’s orbit for 2 years and sends data to earth…. In general chandrayaan will be able to make a complete repository about the moon…..
Go for it India ….. Go for it….

in search of something ...

Guys…… so lazy to type now a days..…….
My dad feeling very good after his surgery…. Mum and Pups nowadays having sweet quarrels….
I miss that…
its really fun to be in between their arguments…. It wont be serious and never lasts for long…
I usually take mums side and my sis will take pappa’s side…..
Now lot of money wasted on phone calls… I had to talk to both of them to settle this thing…
pappa says something about mum and I think that he was right and then I talk to mummy…. Then she say something and I feel that she was also right….
Its very fun….. both of them complaint about each other like kids,.... haha :) and i will be their councellor....!!
And in between them there is little muthu…. He is really a crying machine at night time ….…. Every one hour his tummy needs to be filled…. Otherwise he will make you do it…. Babies are like that…. They cries and shits…. and the innocence in their eyes… pure gift of god…. I have seen him smiling in his sleep… it’s a very funny and lovely thing to watch…….
Now a days always late for kfc and infineon….. not at all interested….
I used to go to kfc in time before.. now don’t know what happened…
Always late….. Every time I feel bad being late….. even if I want to go early, some how I will take a wrong bus or simply the bus will be crouded or like blah blah blah….
so that I wont get there in time….
Reason….. have lost interest on everything……
First of all, I don’t like the new manager….
I just don’t like him….
All others are really good to me… he is sometimes very irritating…

Thursday, November 6, 2008

if you have a strong passion....

So long haven’t blogged… really bored…. No new things happening to write…. I feel like loosing all my good old friends….. now have only a few people to talk …. Everyone are busy…..

At infineon, Remya is there…. But Yen chen is shifted to another department… so boring without him.. He used to teach me magic during free time…. Now hardly see him…

At kfc, Jilu and Rongping….. both good company… Sazali also free to talk anything… have a positive attitude….. Ryan also nice guy… but always makes me angry , …. But he is a very nice guy… he tried to teach me some…. cool break dance steps…. …. and one more kool person...

our manager at kfc... Sitti..... really wonderful person.... i am praying to god please dont take her away from Lido... Very free and frank personality....

Even if she is serious she talks very calmy and i never felt offended when she gets angry to me... I feel very comfortable to work with her... a caring person...

Gina is gone ...Jessie is Gone.... i really miss both of them.... :(

From India, Jenu and Ananth… really caring friends of mine…. Both of them are my very best friends…. I can swear on god, its really hard to get friends like them…. Really sincere guys…. I am so unlucky that they are so far away from me….

I am dying to be an actor……. After these studies and stuff ……. Should get a good job…. Then I should pursue my dream,……… it’s hell of a passion I started to nurture since I was 14 years old…… its still there…… I hope it will come true…

If you have a strong passion it will come true… I believe….!!!

This is a teaser of blockbuster Dhoom2....stass Hrithik Roshan, Abhishek Bachchan, Aishwaria Rai, Uday Chopra n Bipasha Basu..

Monday, October 27, 2008

Life is full of mistakes...

Didnt called her today.... Usually i calls her to wish ....

Maybe she expected me.... I will be her great friend.... Will call this Christmas.....

Should tell her that I know her house.... Thats a great secret...

That was an adventure i can never forget....

Me goin to show her house to buddy Habeeb in my Bike....

without a licence at the night time.....

the greatest thrill was that , i met with an accident...with a drunken cyclist..

and the guy made a scene and people gathered.... Everyone was on my side as it was not my fault..

and there was a police station nearby and i managed the situation as i said that i dint had a licence.........and poor Habeeb..

we both went to a cycle shop and repaired his cycle... i paid 50 rupees...
Usually i dont take money with me... That day fortunately i had exactly 50 rupees that my mother gave me....

and another thing is that even my mother doesnt know about this....Its a secret kept by me, Habeeb, Anand and Kuttu, my cousin .....

That was a great experience.....

Life is full of mistakes ....make a new one today....
You will learn how to solve it...

A day of sparkling joy....

Today was Deepavali… The third Deepavali without my family… I didn’t had any celebrations.. I cant celebrate without them.. I went for work..




I called Mummy to wish Deepavali…..At home my brother in law and Pappa bought crackers for more than thousand rupees…..

They started celebrating from yesterday…. She said my little nephew was so happy and laughed so much yesterday when he saw the fireworks….

I hope they don’t miss anyone….

Maybe its my wrong feeling…

Last week went to see the movie Eagle eye…. Such a wonderful movie…

it had great suspence and great thrill packed with superb action… I haven’t seen a thrilling movie like this after “Illussionist”………..

I give a five star rating for the movie…. Pls do go and watch if you like some adventure and suspence….

That day I saw Binie…. Havent seen her for a long long time….

We talked for some time…. Her SIP is also boring like mine…..

Got my phone yesterday… showed Rongping and Jilu…. Everybody liked it…. Took a photo with Kajun Aunty yesterday... She also liked my phone….

Friday, October 24, 2008

I did what I wanted to do....

I just want to stop blogging….I don’t think I should continue..coz I started it with someone else and now …I feel an emptiness……I dunno….! May be m thinking nonsence…

Someone inside me is telling to just go on….keep writing….everything is created for a purpose….i hope I will find it later…So just go on….

So I have some happy news to share with you kool people….Yesterday my salary came…today went to Mustafa to buy a phone……HTC touch…

but everywhere no more stock…. I went to semei, and enquired in a shop called challenger ….they had one phone…the one and only stock there……….but it was green in colour… it phone dint look good to me in that colour….

Then I went to a star hub shop…fortunately they had black color HTC…..there I ordered one piece in black color….so tomorrow will get my phone…. J…..cant wait….

And finally after a month of struggling I will get my phone….

Now a days m feeling much better….i have a new best friend now…. Rong ping… very supportive and understanding…. Thanks god…. Got one more friend to share my probs ….

Anyway there is some bad news also…..My senior collegues at the office is trying to pressure me with their work….. I get jobs from a few of them…. Now the problem is everyone want me to do their work first…. …. I am fed up of it….. last week when a senior blamed me for no reason (on this subject)…Usually I wont say anything……..Maybe its very hard to irritate me… donno….!!

This time I told her that I do their jobs according to priority…. I think she dint like it… But I dint say anything wrong… I have only two hands…. How cam I do their work together….thats impossible….if they have their own politics, i am not bothered and I don’t care…… I just do my work…whoever gives me first….i complete their work first…

I am not a robot……….

I don’t think that I have said anything wrong….. no regrets on that….!

If I should die tomorrow, I will have no regrets. I did what I wanted to do. You can't expect more from life.

Friday, October 10, 2008

നാലു വരി....

This is a poem i wrote when i was doing my tenth standard...(O level)....

വാര്‍ദ്ധക്യം മുറ്റിയോരില താഴെ വീഴും കണ്ടു ,
ചിരിക്കുന്നൂ ഇളം തണ്ടില്‍ കിളിര്‍ത്ത ചെറു ദലങ്ങള്‍ .
അറിയുന്നില്ലീ ഗതി തങ്ങള്‍ക്കും വരുമെന്ന് ,
അറിവില്ലായ്മ പലപ്പൊഴും നയിക്കുന്നു പാപത്തില്‍ .

Monday, October 6, 2008

Work Hard with a vengance....

Yesterday after work I slept late… I was so tired and dint even took my breakfast ….. I slept in the office during my work….when I opened my eyes I saw the girls sitting nearby looking at me…I felt so embarrassed…..but couldn’t control….I slept again looking into my computer…..also I dreamt about her today during my nap……
That was funny…and I felt some energy afterwards….

I don’t want to talk much about today. Mrs Choy was getting into my nerves in the evening with her stupid demands. I does 100 ‘s of her documents each day…and always expects an appreciation……and what does she do..??.she finds simple mistakes from those huge tasks…

Most supervisors get angry when we do a my case its totally different...She just gets nervous in front of that makes me nervous ....She always tells that she is very particular, and makes mistakes as she is a human......I am also a human being…not a Robot..

....I don’t know when m going to burst myself and paste her onto the walls…….

But I don’t know, to be honest, I like her….. When ever I am with her I gets a presence of someone I miss….. As I said before, I don’t want to talk too much about her because today as I was talking about her to my friend during lunch (scolding things….u know?//) ..I accidently bit my tongue …I wont be able to eat food properly for the next one week.... I am afraid if I type too much about her, I may cut my fingers…..hi hi

I hope Mrs Choy wont find my blog….Sorry mam…..

Home Sweet Home

Yesterday I called home…..Mr. Madhav (6 months old cutie boy), my nephew…we call him “MUTHU” which means pearl in Malayalam… a caterpillar now….he wants to eat everything he sees….i talked to him yesterday…..he was laughing at the phone when he heard my voice…..and Mr.Gokul (5 year old cute boy), my next nephew is very proud to be the Big B (Big Bro) of Madhav….. yesterday gokul told me a secret that he beaten his small bro to sleep when nobody was in charge….

Life seems like an empty vessel without them….. I can say that I am happy now…...but I am not happy without my family…….i miss my mum and dad each and everyday… I call them everyday…..I don’t know when I will be able to go home….maybe next year….. donno……

I have no big plans…..only small dreamsss…….I am nurturing them… secret passion….. I hope it will come true………

But I have no direction ….. I am like a feather that floats in the wind…… I leave everything to almighty … my God……

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Dream

This is a dream that I saw last week.....i felt this dream and it was very i just wrote it up....i would like to share it with you....every thing written below is an exact copy of events that happened during my dream....

To miss (Someone)

I am at Lekshminivas(our home' in Trivandrum)…I calls her and invites her to my home at kilimanoor…she agrees to come….and she came…she is wearing a churidhar…she looks beautiful…..i received her and took her inside….i don’t know what happened then….i must have introduced her to my parents…she might have joined us for lunch…..

Then suddenly the dream is resumed when its time for her to leave….i am taking her to the gate….we are standing near the post….buses stop there…..we are waiting for bus number 29….i don’t know if this number has any significance in my life …. Its neither my birthdate nor her’s…..her’s is on june or july ….. I should ask her some day….. so that I can call her and wish her happy birthday…. Also if I am in india I can buy her some presents….i always loved to….!

We are talking…..both of us seem very happy….i am flirting with her….also I tell her that last time when I called her on phone her brother took it…..every time her mother takes it and I often talks to her ……it was on 13/09/08 ….so I tell her to give my regards to her mother……she seems to like my company…….my heart is beating so fast that I am filled with love…… she may know it…….she knows….. I haven’t got a chance like this to talk to her…this dream is beautiful…

I like her smile….i like her eyes….she has big round eyes…..i like her hair…..its long and strong…..i think it is light brown in colour…..whenever I see purple or pink flowers she comes to my mind…..whenever I see a romantic movie …..she comes to my mind….whenever I hear a love song…she is there ……whenever I goes to sleep….i prays for her……..

While we were talking some people gather at the bus stop….there is a man with hair…he is fat and brown… first I thought he was a woman….he misbehaves to her and I am angry at him….there is a talk…….and the guy sounds to have good contacts…..she is so angry……I am trying to cool her down…but she is off control….she threatens him that she will file a case against him….the guy looks around and asks if anybody is a witness…everyone remain silent…..then a blind person comes and tells her that he is willing to be the witness(Kalabhavan Mani)…..she agrees and thanks the blind guy……I wonder if she has any concern about me……she can ask me to be the witness…… the hell can a witness be blind like him……………..

wierd…!!! ???

…but this dream is beautiful…because she is there…….

The bus number 29 passes without stopping and everybody is talking about her courage and I looks stupid……….

I think this sentence should be rephraced…..everyone is busy talking about the issue, even she……and the bus passes without stopping that leaves a look on my face that says ….” What the hell is goin on….? Are these people crazy ?“

The dream is resumed without showing what happened after the bus stop incident……we are still walking…..we are talking…..i am not sure what the subject is…?…….but I know one thing….i am going to propose her before she leaves…I am going to tell her that how much I love her… that is a decision……….i am so excited…...

This is a beautiful dream……

On our way we see Yen Chen…….he smiles at me and walk past me without talking…I wonder he is going to give magic lessons…..,maybe his first class…that’s why he is happy………he told me so on 19/09/08 while we were going for lunch after working at infineon…….

We go to a beach….it looks like a beach… has a bridge nearby……I wonder where the bridge goes……maybe its not a beach….….but i can see the horizon…..its beautiful ……… should be evening right now…..i see Donovan and a girl…..i think it’s a girl… walking past me to the bridge……..we say hai to eachother….he goes to center of bridge and takes off his clothes… he dint took off his underclothes,….he cant do that,.. there are so many people at the beach…..

I am so astonished when he jumps to the water from that high bridge……….he is swimming…..there is a plane floating on the water….what does that mean?...yes…. a big plane…..i assume it is silk air….when Donovan swims past the plane….it appears to be the size of a car….thats weird……….

Where is she………?

Oh……..she is sitting and talking to some girls and some of my friends………….i went to ask some of the guys at the beach, to teach me swimming………so that I can also jump like Donovan………………I see him ….now he is resting……he looks exhausted….may be drank too much water…..hi hi……………

I didn’t go to learn swimming………..i came back to her……she is not looking at me…something is not right!…somebody told her something about me…I wonder who that could be …and what he or she told her???……and she seems to have believed it…..i talked to her and she gets angry………she is yelling something and that is something I never did or meant………i ask her to trust me……but she is not ready…I also gets angry while she again says that I did something that never happened ….it made me angry……..i tells her with bursting anger….” Don’t ever accuse me of something I have never done ok………..? you have no right to talk like that about my character or personality…..if you don’t want to talk to me …fine……..go home…don’t stay....”

While I was saying that I saw her looking at my face and her eyes bursting with tears…she was crying? ,…..but I could’nt stop me from saying that…I just walked away……. I was heart broken….

We all got into a bus….she is also in the bus…….she is with some of my friends…..i didn’t look back….i was on the second row…..the bus was so crowded…..

Then I thought of her…..what happened to her…why she misunderstood me…..i cant stand such wrong judgements…..there is nothing wrong on my side….let her apologise to me first……then we shall talk again….

Thoughts kept coming into mind………

When I invited her she travelled all this long way to see me… alone….thats because she cared about me…..and what have I done…?..i insulted my guest….. my love….. in front of a croud….

….i was going to propose her this evening…


I made her cry……what an idiot I am………??

How can I make anyone cry..? and a girl ……also my love she was.

What happened to me………? I was not like this………!!

i could have talked calmly later when she cooled down..…I felt terribly wrong…her crying face came to my mind and I couldn’t bear it….my heart was beating like some disaster took place..….i started weeping silently because I was surrounded by friends…when the bus stopped we all got down and I looked for her….but she was not in the bus…... I told my friends that I was going to meet her at her place…..i decided to tell all my feelings for her……..i didn’t know what was going to happen…..i just took a bus to my mother’s place…Kollam..i knew her home…..i wished if she was near me………..because I missed her so much………..


I missed her always….!!!


നിനച്ചിടാത്തൊരു പകൽക്കിനാവു പോൽ- വന്നണഞ്ഞെൻ    ഹൃദയ തന്ത്രിയിൽ നീ.  പകച്ചു നിന്നൊരെന്നന്തരങ്കത്തിൻ- തുടിപ്പ് നിന...